Services » How to define cost of a site
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As there is a pricing a site?
At first sight it seems: for what here to pay such mad money? But it only seems. Intellectual work always was and is the most highly paid, and the site demands time and intellectual expenses. But each company - the free artist, that is each developer estimates the brainwork differently. Namely: in one company for design at you can ask 300 dollars, and in another 1300, but it does not mean at all, that at the second the design will be much more qualitative, is simple in this company the designer is appreciated much more above, than in the first. And how here to be? Each project has a provisional budget if you the representative of small business, that, for certain, cannot afford a site for 10 000 dollars. Start with the budget, but do not forget main principle: «ёъѕяющ pays фтрцф№!» the Given statement is fair and to development of sites. Often happens, that the companies order the virtual representation in students of technical colleges, having paid thus there are more 500 dollars. In summary, the site does not pay back even this small enough sum, and turns to a headache: that any module does not work, attendance small. And all the same, looking at sites of competitors, the company later alters a site already much for greater money and sustains thus financial losses. So what for to attack the same raker when at the correct approach it is possible to make a qualitative and convenient site.

In any case, your satellite should become «чэрэшх». You, for certain, before to work in the company, have learned sphere of its activity, have studied specificity, and then already have started to work professionally and qualitatively. In the Internet-business the same rules: study a situation, be defined with motivation: for what the site is necessary, analyse offers and, we are assured, you will make a worthy choice.

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