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About us
Компания Best Solutions с 2011 года переименована на
Online Media. Новый сайт компании www.online.uz

Development Design Site - Uzbekistan

The purpose of our company - granting for you a full complex of services in the field of the Internet-technologies. A mainstream of activity of our company is development web sites. Possessing staff of the employees qualified and prepared in various areas, we do process of manufacturing of a site fast and qualitative.

The turned out experience, contacts to experts and the organizations of allied industries allow us operatively and professionally to solve the multiplane problems promoting development of your company.

We render a full complex of the most effective decisions for the business, connected with creation of a site and its support:
  • the help directed by the purposes of development of web sites
  • the help in formation of requirements as to a site entirely, and to its separate parts (web design of a site, functional, the maintenance of a site, etc.) proceeding from interests of a target audience of a site (corporate clients, retail clients, wholesalers, partners, etc.).
  • designing of a site (development of structure, designing functional and usability)
  • creation of web design of the site meeting the highest requirements
  • programming of a site
  • filling of a site by the information and optimization of a site under search systems for attraction of target visitors on your site
  • optimization of a site
  • registration of a domain name and accommodation of a site in a network the Internet
  • after selling support within a year
  • completions and expansion functional a site according to needs of your growing business
  • development of the media-plan and carrying out of advertising campaigns on the Internet.
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